What if Protestantism were true? What if the Reformers really were heroes, the Bible the sole rule of faith, and Christ’s Church just an invisible collection of loosely united believers?
As an Evangelical, Devin Rose used to believe all of it. Then one day the nagging questions began. He noticed things about Protestant belief and practice that didn’t add up. He began following the logic of Protestant claims to places he never expected it to go—leading to conclusions no Christians would ever admit to holding.
In The Protestant’s Dilemma, Rose examines over thirty of those conclusions, showing with solid evidence, compelling reason, and gentle humor how the major tenets of Protestantism—if honestly pursued to their furthest extent— wind up in dead ends of absurdity.
from aleteia.org: Atheist to Catholic convert and apologist Devin Rose has a new book out from Catholic Answers entitled The Protestant's Dilemma. The book's unique rhetorical angle is to assume that Protestantism is true, and then to show how it leads to absurd conclusions given various facts about history and Scripture. Catholicism, on the other hand, is shown to lead to reasonable conclusions.
Rose self-published an earlier version of the book with the title If Protestantism Is True in the summer of 2011. With a successful low-budget, blog-to-blog marketing campaign, the book took off and sold thousands of copies. Catholics Answers took notice and offered to help him edit a new version and re-publish it. With the release of The Protestant's Dilemma, If Protestantism Is True has been discontinued (though you can find used copies on Amazon for upwards of $125!).
The website for The Protestant's Dilemma, which has options for buying print or ebook versions, has some impressive endorsements from other well known Catholic converts and authors Brandon Vogt, Taylor Marshall, and Francis Beckwith.
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