Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Much is Given, Much is Required

Luke 12:48

48 But he who did not know, and did what deserved a beating, shall receive a light beating. Every one to whom much is given, of him will much be required; and of him to whom men commit much they will demand the more.Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition (RSVCE)

   Catholicism is often looked on by other Christians and the non-Christian/non-Religious crowds as being harsh, and filled up with rules.

  Outsiders shouldn't fret over these rules, it is simple:  It takes belief, and when one has belief God blesses them greatly, when one is blessed so greatly, it is on them to blossom and sustain this grace as the most precious gift that it is.

  In other words, to who much is given, much is required.

  In Catholic circles, it is quite understood that priest and the ordained, i.e. those who are involved in counseling Christians in being Christians, will be judged more harshly than outsiders.

  Catholicism is a calling, it is the call to the mission of the Lord, he who carries his cross follows Him!  (Matthew 16: 24-26)  Or, he who follows Him will have to bear crosses! 

  So when outsiders criticize Catholics over the rules, as my own wife offered 'I once thought the Church was suppose to help people, but when I got closer, it was nothing but rules,' it seems pointless.

 Of course, it seems pointless, they are lacking faith.

 In one way, it is like saying, it is pointless being a mother, motherhood is nothing but doing for others, why would anyone WANT to do that? That can't be fun!

 Well for those who believe that motherhood is the greatest of gifts, it is fun! as is Catholicism.  When one is able not to love themselves, but love the gift given, it is a walk in the park on a cool and sunny Sunday morning ( with humming birds and dancing flora).

  Just look to this pope.  The media has fallen head over heels over his expression of mercy and humanity (and well deserved) towards the world.

  It is because Pope Francis gets it! 

  Look at what this merciful pope tells fellow priests:  


"We are anointed by the Spirit, and when a priest is far from Jesus Christ he can lose this unction. In his life, no: essentially he has it... but he loses it. And instead of being anointed he ends up being smarmy," the pope added.
"And how damaging to the Church are smarmy priests!" the leader of the world's 1.2 billion Roman Catholics went on to say. "Those who put their strength in artificial things, in vanity, in an attitude... in a cutesy language... But how often do we hear it said with sorrow: 'This is a butterfly-priest,' because they are always vain... [This kind of priest] does not have a relationship with Jesus Christ! He has lost the unction: he is smarmy."

 By being far from Jesus, "we necessarily compensate for this with other, worldly attitudes," he added. "And so all these figures... priest-wheeler dealers, priest-tycoons... But the priest who adores Jesus Christ, the priest who talks with Jesus Christ, the priest who seeks Jesus Christ and who is allowed to seek Jesus Christ: this is the center of our life. If that is not there, we lose everything. And what will we give to the people?"

 People cannot be fooled, the pope suggested. When they look at a true priest they say: "Yes, he's difficult, he's this or that... But he is a priest! And people know!" On the other hand, when they see "priest idolaters, so to speak, priests who instead of having Jesus have little idols... worshipers of the god Narcissus... When people see [priests like this] they say 'poor guy!'"

 The relationship with Jesus "saves us from worldliness and idolatry that makes us smarmy, preserves us in the anointing [we have received]," the pope said. "And today, this is my hope for you… Even if you lose everything in life, don't lose this relationship with Jesus Christ! This is your victory. Go forward with this!"

  Reading this, I do not find it harsh, but I am inspired by this message to our priests, but imagine if any of this language was a winkle of what the world was hearing from the pope, the world would scorn him, as they have the other gracious popes.

  But this pope has talent, he knows those of who much is given, much is required.