All are people of God, whether they know it or not, because all people are from God, and we are His.
Lumen Gentium is the Vatican II document which reinforces this idea, that all are God's people, not just believers.
With this, I want to focus on my Protestant friends. They must be on the verge of cursing my existence by now with all the links I send their way and seemingly to attack them as people. That is what I can imagine lying in their hearts, a cringe when they see my name attached to something.
I don't blame them, I actually would like a response every once in a while, but of course, disregard is the greatest insult. So I suppose they can claim that for themselves.
And for the record, a couple have replied.
There are several reasons this is the case. One lies in convenience, one lies in distaste, and one reason lies in a loss of the sense of what is Good and True.
Sharing one's heart is the greatest thing to do, there is very little anything else anyone should want of another than the sharing of their heart.
But when a sharing of the heart is ingested as a sharing of one's mind, people object more substantially.
It is not in my interest to make people uneasy. It is not my interest to make people think ill of my intentions. I have no greater value mentally then they do, I just am in the instrument of sharing knowledge. Sharing truth. Do we know what truth is today?
It may seem as though I am living in the Reformation Age to them. It may seem this way certainly, but I am not I would like to assure them. I believe the Holy Spirit works in each human being, and only in sharing am I opening them to my soul. It is a great honesty I write to them and I share things with them.
I am not out to show them what is wrong with them as people, I love them as people, and I love them as Christians. It is this love which I want them to understand what the Word is. That is in loving their ideals, I want to share with them more completely what their ideals stand for.
I would love to engage the atheist just the same, but they are a different breed of man. The Protestant is believing, so in theory, they should believe in what Jesus said and did.
1500 years went by before foundational elements of the Faith were changed. Of course, there were always people practicing the Faith contrary to the Faith, but the Reformation was one where the crisis of Faith grew far and wide.
How does one explain 1500 years of remarkable accomplishments towards congruency and just accept that it needed to be changed when speaking of what we speak of, God became man and revealed himself to us.
Of course, there was the East-West schism, but foundationally the teachings are the same, differences would come later.
And I think it would be greatly proper to disclose several things to my Protestant brothers and sisters about myself, about my spiritual journey.
LINK: My Spiritual Journey
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