Friday, January 3, 2014

The Disharmony of Untamed Sex

  This is a post that is long overdue, but it is not a popular subject, and it will be shared with people it may hurt.

  I am fully conscience of the idea if I point one finger, four point to me, and I can handle that in my environment of repentance.

  But I am not on the stand today.  I am not the one claiming the right to anything.  I am on the side of glorifying God, I am on the side of submitting my will to His.

  It is not my desire to say what is wrong or right, it is the desire of God that I choose what is right over what is wrong. 

 It is not I who says this is the way the world is, this is the way nature says and thus the creator of the nature says it is as should be.

You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world. They are from the world and therefore speak from the viewpoint of the world, and the world listens to them. We are from God, and whoever knows God listens to us; but whoever is not from God does not listen to us. This is how we recognize the Spirit of truth and the spirit of falsehood." - 1 John 4:4-6

 Too many people mix Divine Truth with opinion and preferences.

 I prefer that the world never experienced the loss of a child, the loss of a mother, or war in any capacity. But it does. I can either wish it was different, or try to understand why it is why it is this way.  And we do this by searching for higher meaning, and when we find it in God, then by listening to God, and God alone.

 I am not trying to manipulate anyone or anything, I am only trying to be a lover of Truth, no matter where Truth leads me.

 There are several cases for God, and just as well for Jesus Christ.

  I will not deliver the arguments fully here, as there is something else to deal with for the time being, but here are some rather solid cases where no one has ever been able to disprove.

 GOD's Existence:  Nothing comes from Nothing. Every creation requires a creator, art an artist. and the precision of the universe is so precise for life that the smallest fraction changes the ability of life to persist.

JESUS's Existence: Didn't come out of the blue, He was announced several times and once again by John the Baptist. Despite attempts of a few, he existed and has a better track record of existence than most figures of His day. Nothing has ever been disproven of what is attributed to Him (the case of He being in err regarding the second coming has been shown by recent study not to be the case: here) The Gospels are written as biography not legend or myth. Only explanation of the growth of Christianity is that His followers truly believed in what they saw as other Messiah movements just died out after the leader died. After His time, His Christians defeated the Roman Empire (the conqueror the Jews expected) and the Shroud of Turin recently shown to be for all intents and purposes real, and the story of Fatima is too probable than it is too hard to conceive as proof of the miracle professed before 70,000 gathered to see the miracle come true.

   So this is the case for the Divine Revelation through the Judo-Christian tradition, and one should reflect and ask themselves, should I reject this, or genuflect and give myself to God on High.

  If one accepts Divine Revelation, than anything against God is evil, or a sin.

  It is a topic of light versus darkness, we see not by light but from light.  That is, our eye mechanisms are what we use to see, it is not light. But still, it is light which allows our eye mechanisms to work. So it is, indeed, light which supplies our ability to see, but it is not 'by' light we see, but from it.

  We are ourselves, we can eat and sleep, that is, we can exist in mechanics without God (the Light).  But from the Light of God, we see His will and His way.

  This is Jesus's message,  "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life."

  So one can live in darkness, but without light, without life. That is, True Light, True Life.

  Such is the case with sin, when we live in sin, we can live, but in the darkness we will miss the True light and the True life.

  When one lives this way, no matter how fun it may be to play in the dark, they will fail to walk straight and will feel more pain in the dark than when seeing clearly in the light.

  Everything in the dark, can hurt us, and when we live a life of pain, we miss True life in True happiness (what every psychiatrist and philosopher agree is man's greatest desire).

 Today, I will discuss the darkness of sexuality. That is, the sexuality which prevents us from True life and True happiness.

  The world is full of lies, lies live in and love the darkness.  It is not by choice the Church has its teachings against sexuality outside of marriage.  Marriage corrals sexuality, marriage caresses sexuality, marriage tames sexuality.

 Sexuality outside of marriage is untamed, and thus very harmful.  The world would be a much happier place if so many hearts were not broken as they are in the modern West.  We all are striving to find the love of our lives, and most of us feel pain in getting there.

  I truly believe in the devastation of the heartbreak, it has led to a culture of isolation and hurtful relationships in trusting and loving one another as we are supposed to do as Christians.

 We deny ourselves the true love when we live by such lustful ideas of love. It is all lies. 

  Not only will I show how these ideas are harmful, full of disease as we have faced and seen since the 60s, but how it is a lie which tells us that we have a ''right to love who I wish.''  How this culture we live in which allows for the marriage of same-sex couples, wants to tear down the ideas of gender and wishes to reverse all that is Good about retracting these claims, are all based on lies and deceits.

 It is a bit natural to start with the cheater, the adulterer, afterall the sin of adultery is commonly identified with the cheater.  It may even be readily forgotten that adultery refers to any sin of lust, i.e. any lie of lust.

  I am trying to really put it to the reader, that it is not just a sin, it is a lie, as all sins are lies! All sins tell one it okay, it is justified, it is true, when in fact it is harmful, against the truest nature.

  This is where relativism lives, it is true for me, so it is therefore true. 

  Where has it ever been said that one may decide for themselves what is sin?

   The lie of the cheater, and the lie of the homosexual is the same.  They both lay a false claim in the reality of a 1-1 relationship. 

  The cheater lies that he respects this 1-1 relationship, the homosexual believes that this 1-1 exist for any 1 and 1. 

  They do not, and let us examine a little exercise to show why.

  As a culture, we are starting to criticize those who criticize the act of homosexuality, but the criticism of the cheater is, more or less, well and alive.

  If we have one woman, and she is married to a man, and this man is having an adult, mutual relationship with another, society will still by in large crucify the man for doing so.

  But why the cheater and not the homosexual?

  Because he was involved with someone else they say, because he was married.  he chose to be married and so he chose to break his marriage, his fault.

  What if he decides that he is an adult and has a right to love anyone he wishes? So he not only loves another, he marries another.  He solved the issue of cheating, now he is married to both women, therefore, not a cheater, but a polygamist.

  Is is it wrong for anyone to say he can not marry anyone he wishes? I mean he loves her! Don't you understand this! Can't you understand he is a man, he can not help himself, he was born this way, he loves having female partners, and he has two in his life.  Who is to say he is wrong?

 To take down his argument, you have to argue for the 1-1 relationship and why it is important to the world.  Otherwise, you have no claim to say the man can not marry his mistress while still married to the first wife, the argument for 1-1 relations must be made.

 It is hard to do so when you use the homosexual rationality, that one has a right to an adult mutual relationship, because the polygamists does have this and does claim this, it just so happens to claim multiple mutual relations.   

 The argument crumbles, you can not tell the man who he loves, and that his way is not the right way, but my way is right.

 This is the only way to do it! You have to use the same exact positive arguments for polygamy as for homosexuality, you can not escape it.  

 So in this scenario, the homosexual and this certain 1-1 relationship crumbles, as any claim made by the homosexual must be differentiated from the polygamist, and it is not.

 Am I thus saying, marriage and the 1-1 relationship are defeated as claims of truth?

 No, I am saying there is more to it than what is being said, I am saying what is being said are all lies, and in ways hypocritical.  As the homosexual use the argument, ''One can not tell me who I love, and one can not deny me the right to marry who I love.'' it would then be just as good an argument for the polygamist.

 Divorce, by the way, is also in this discussion, as one then decides who they are no longer married to as easy as they decide who they are married to.

 Which leads to a society of claims on sexuality which allows for people to have as many partners as they want and for as long as they want them.  

 Can you imagine this being a healthy society?  Marriage essentially de-valued, and people living off the ideas of romantic love for relationships?

This society will fall apart, and heartbreak will abound!

 And much of these claims on the 'Right' to their own sexual preferences are squandered when the negation of sexuality also exist.

  See, any innate 'right' anyone has to claim, has to be a right which can not be taken away by their own decisions.

  That is the right to life (one did not choose to be alive)

  The right to liberty (one can not choose not have a will, a free will)

  And all things which protect the innate rights of one are also Human Rights, that is to say, private property as there is no freedom of will without it, as one needs to possess the land to act out their will on the land, otherwise their free will is restrained.

 Freedom of speech and freedom of religion also protect these rights to of the will.

 But sexuality, is not in this conversation. Sexuality is an ethic, shown by as one can self chose not to be sexual! A monk, anyone taking an oath of chastity choose to be non-sexual, therefore, sexuality alone is not a Human right!

  Okay, so where is sexuality a Good? a Light of Greater Good?

  In the life it gives. Sexuality's right is tied to the right of life, not the right of pleasure.

  It is not only a personal right, but a necessary right as it promotes society as only in procreation will humanity go on.

 So not only does it create the the right of life, but it creates a Greater Good for society at large.

 Untamed sexuality is not Good, it serves no one more than the immediate participants, and their action creates the potential of a harmful separation and disunity when terminated, and not to mention disease to others when repeated.

 Tamed sexuality requires chastity (sexual restraint) which abolishes the impulses which are the harms of untamed sexuality. 

  Harmful sexuality is not just one of heartbreak and disease, it is also a type of human slavery, as one has a hard time learning to respond to the impulses of sexuality, and thus gives in to it, which opens the world to sexual abuses and rapes.  Dreadful things. The importance of a society which promotes a healthy and tamed sexuality, thus, goes without saying.

 Adultery, the cheating, is against the harmony of sexuality, so is homosexuality, and polygamy.  

 Harmonious sexuality is only possible when restricted to a man and woman in marriage.

 Solves issues of disease.

 Solves heartbreak of separation after the engagement, whether fragile partner, girlfriend, or through divorce.

 Alleviates jealousy and sexual inhibitions which exist in multiple partners such as in the case of polygamy.

  Provides a natural result for one's love and sexuality, by celebrating the life which is created, and is not engaged in sexuality for the sake of sexuality as in the case of homosexuals.

 Sexuality for the sake of sexuality is no good, as it distorts sexuality as sexuality becomes a need without any end and it opens up to the ability to change partners, and the ability to change partners is a catalyst for greater evils.

  Once we establish these arguments, let us take all arguments and outline them:

1) No one has the right to claim sexuality as a right since one self can deny their own sexuality.  

2) No one can deny one's sexual and marital preferences if one believes adults have the right to choose their own relationships.  Can't have it both ways, give me mine, you can't have yours (Same-sex versus polygamy)

3) Sexuality untamed is harmful to the mental and physical health of members in society.

4) The Good of sexuality, is one of procreation and family, all disasters of sexuality are avoided when tamed.

  Sin is all about disharmony.  Untamed sexuality is very disharmonious.

  The Good and Beauty of sexuality is exacerbated in the man and woman who share a life mission and commitment together, a marriage.  Which protects them from any jealousy and any shame.  A husband simply does not mislead a wife to bed just to leave her in the morning, when married, he comes back ''home.''  

 The Catholic sacrament of marriage is all about bringing the two genders, the two sides of humanity and making them one. It is harmonious, it is poetry:

  It is poetry, it is the union of humanity, as humanity has two crucial elements (namely man and woman), and there is nothing more to the fundamental interest of all people than procreation, having more people. And plus, come on! Children just make the world that much bearable with all the joy they have. And what an instrument we have to grow and prosper than a wonderful union which unites humanity for the purpose of improving humanity. Making two different elements of humanity ONE, one flesh, into one creation , a baby. POETRY. 

  This is so special, and should be special to all. That we have a common experience, and we all were born of this union of man and woman, and we all have a special reality in which we can all partake in it to truly give the world the greatest gift, a new creation, of our own blood and love. Nothing more could be more special. Nothing more powerful for one human to have a hand in, and the fact that we are allowed to bring the two different elements of humanity to do this together, is what has always been loved by lovers of beauty!

  Let us not overlook as well, studies show the disharmony which breaking a household has to the kids. A healthy society can only be one which protects the kids, unprotected kids lead to distasteful adults.
  Marriage is meant to be forever as it is disharmonious when there are children, and opens all diseases of an untamed sexuality when broken.

  I hope one not only sees the Truths and Beauty in life lived out as the Bible says, but that sin is seen in a different light, that the word evil has a different connotation. Not one of the devil, but one of harm and disharmony.


Chances are, majority of people still reject these premises and theology of the body, but ask yourself:

  Has the heartbreak or pain of one relationship affect or change the next relationship?
  The mental weight is just as real as the physical weight, as biologists stand united in saying, that we carry all our sexual experiences to the next partner biologically. Lovely thought! Not the way it is suppose to be!





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