Tuesday, August 19, 2014

The Truth about Equality, and Everything from it

 The West stands out in the world, the cultural, political, and spiritual influences are enormous.

 In today's West, we see a new brand of man.

 It is the kind of man that wills to be nice, and wills peace.

 There is great honor in a lot of what modern man strives to do.

 But there is a great gap in the fabric of modern man.

 This gap relates to his understanding of "reality."

 It's the society of "just friends" and "meaningless love making."

 If it is meaningless, what does that mean? Logos tells us there is a word for a reason, if there is a word for a reason, what is the meaninglessness of the words "love" and "making?"

 This, by the way, is where the phrase, "The Word made flesh means!"

  It means the word, the logos, the "reason" is made flesh.  Jesus, "the reason for everything" is made flesh.

Let's get back to the modern man.

 The modern man is ever growing into becoming a progressive man.

 This of course has everything to do with the rapid technology and the mobilisation an economically linked world produces.

  Why are immigrants, immigrants? They have an economic reason to move.

  Where do they move? A place known to them.

  Why is it known to them? In some way or matter, people are attracted to its economy and have access to that economy.

  Otherwise, people's movement would be random, and no nation would be superb in receiving immigrants over another.

  So with the socio-economic climates at hand, culture is also affected.

 The root of a culture is its values and understandings of nature, in other words, it's religion.

 So we have a combustion of elements at work here, and many have come to the conclusion, we can't determine who is right, so therefore, no one should think they are right.

 But if this was the case, then no one should think it WRONG to think themselves RIGHT! Yet, they do!

 It is a great paradoxy, but there is an explanation.

 People think this is all new, but it is not.

 Around 500 BC in India, a place of great multiculturalism, a brand of monotheism started to become the norm in a place of polytheistic religions. (primarily seen in monistic Hinduism seen in the Upanishads)

This is because when they met each other's cultures, they began to realize that their religions didn't meet each others, yet, they were capable to realize that there was similarities in humanity anyway.

 Their conclusion, there must me one god as there is one humanity, in very brief terms.

 In today's world, the modern man has reacted quite differently.

 In, again, very brief terms, modern man has valued the material world and have repressed the spiritual world.  In doing so, religion is seen as more anti-intellectual.

 Modern man's conclusion, there are so many religions, that it is very likely that there is no true religion, and therefore, no true Truth.  Truth is what is seen, and that lies in nature.

 Yet, and a big yet! The modern man loves! loves! romance, he loves the dignity of the individual, in fact, he uses this idea of dignity as the very cause of his progressiveness.  I dignify the other by accepting the other, it is cruel to say to the other "you're wrong!"

 Yet, what about his own dignity? By saying that someone else can't be wrong, you are saying that you CAN NOT be right!

 Still, with this attitude, you think yourself RIGHT for showing dignity to the other.

 The is a huge conflict of terms, which hints at, it is FALSE, NON-LOGICAL, WRONG!

  Logos is reason, so if right and wrong have this irrational conflict, then it is all "meaningless!"

 Yet still, looking at this dignity we so much value. Where does it come from?

  Dignity comes from a sense related to our ideals of equality.

 Where does equality come from?



   All are Equal, but modern day life puts equality with life standards..  Based on what standards?  Those standards are themselves presupposed positions.... So the conversation is VERY UNCONVINCING

I mean why are all equal? People in today's world can't tell you.....
They think of it as an "of course, "
But it is not an "of course!!!"
People have come to realize it, otherwise, ancient man would have probably come to realize it as well.
Does modern man think himself so great as to realize it all on his own? 
Where did they realize it?
Well, it was first the Christians who said it unanimously

Others said it, but they didn't see women as people... so the all are equal had qualifiers
Without a god, no one is equal... with many gods, no one is equal
For all to be equal without a god, we need to look to how the situation is on the ground.

And a place like Denmark, who exudes modern day thought and philosophy.....

The Danes love their values of equality, yet they have laws, they even have a Queen...... and they have politicians making laws over others.....
How is All equal, when there is a class of law makers?
All systems have a social accord, and therefore, one pocket will always have the power over another, therefore, NOT EQUAL! and never politically equal!
And many gods.... then each person is at the will of each god, and if each people are at the qualm of the various deities...... their luck and life circumstance is based on the power of each individual god....
Therefore, each person is hanging off circumstantial influences, and these by the very nature of several gods.... are not dispersed evenly, therefore, NOT EQUAL


  So if you see this as clearly as I see it, I go with the ancient Indians in 500 BC.  As I displayed, modern mans' logos is not logical.

  One can not think it RIGHT to think it WRONG to think one can be RIGHT.

  HAHAHA, this is soooo funny! So faulty in basic logic!

 But the ancient Indians, more philosophically literate, say what I am saying, that if there is one humanity, there is one God.

  If there is one God, ALL are Equal.

  This is the only real basis for this value of equality!  No other idea of equality can live up to the idea!

 So modern man, in his infinite wisdom! loves EQUALITY and removes the DEITY.

 Removing the only possible source of true dignity, and there by, having ZERO basis for their morals and ideals! No Logos! No Sense!